810 करोड़ कैश सहित चुनाव आयोग ने जब्त किया 3357 करोड़ का अवैध सामान

लोकसभा चुनाव के छठवें चरण से पहले चुनाव आयोग ने सख्ती दिखाते हुए 3357 करोड़ का सामान जब्त किया. इसमें 810 करोड़ कैश भी शामिल है. जानिए बाकी कितना सामान जब्त हुआ?

1 टिप्पणी:

  1. If you are Binance user and willing to get rid of the issues regarding Google Set up and 2fa then instantly call our Binance customer support number. Users instead of getting embarrassed may quickly have a conversation with the support experts to have the appropriate guidance. Issues always lead to another problem and finally, users begin to lose the complete command of their Binance digital asset. The team is always there to guide you at every step and look forward to the queries discussed by the users in order to resolve them.

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